How to Develop a Highly Effective Technician Training Program
Part 1: Lay the foundation of your program with these strategiesfor selecting new technicians.
Opening Lines
Koch Eye Celebrates by Giving Back
Riding the EHR Roller Coaster
Here's how one practice's EHR "go-live" date went smoothly...even in the face of four daunting challenges.
State of Mind: Improving Interpersonal Relations in Your Office
Consider this method to reduce skirmishes and improve office morale and productivity.
By Derek Preece
Use Performance Dashboard Reports to Help Maximize Operational Efficiency
This system helps your team focus only on those areas that directly drive practice results.
By Andrew Maller, MBA, COE
The Sound of Pathology: UBM's Diagnostic Echoes
Ultrasonic biomicroscopy finds increasing proponents as its ophthalmic clinical applications expand.
By Robert J. Murphy
Case Study: Horner’s Syndrome
A careful examination helped ensure this patient will attend many family reunions.
Compliance Corner
Laws, regulations and standards impact virtually every aspect of the ophthalmology practice, from OR protocols to discussions at the water cooler.
By Jolynn D. Cook, RN, COE, CASC
Customer Service
In a world where patients voice their praise and complaints instantaneously, timely service helps patients spread the good word about your practice.
By Elizabeth Holloway, COE, CPSS, PHR
Viewpoint from the co-editors
We look forward to you becoming "active readers" of OP.
Technology: OCT
Get up to speed on the latest advances in spectral domain OCT systems
Therapies: Anti-Infectives
Keeping abreast of these important medications will add value to your skill set, especially in the coming healthcare environment.
What Would You Do?
How should a new employee react to a veteran colleague whose attitude may be damaging the practice?