Ophthalmology Management,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
Contact Lens Spectrum,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
Corneal Physician,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
Eyecare Business,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
Glaucoma Physician,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
New Retinal Physician,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
Ophthalmic Professional,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
Optometric Management,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
Presbyopia Physician,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto,w_170,h_230/dpr_auto/
Retinal PhysicianChesapeake Eye Care and Laser Center staff meet patient demand without sacrificing care.
Be prepared to handle side effects and adverse events related to medications used in the office.
Know the available therapies to help patients adequately control this condition.
Proper care and maintenance in-office can protect patients and your practice’s investment in instruments.
Part two of our series on leadership shows how to manage the in-office dynamic of a diverse staff.
PE: more than a fad
Turn gold into platinum
OCT-A guidance
Food for thought