Hopeful Ways (www.hopefulways.org ) organizes eye-care missions to Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. Each two-week mission serves 2,700 patients with eye-care services, including: eye exams, prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, eye medications, and eye surgeries for cataracts and pterygium.
As an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Hopeful Ways’ volunteers (30 for each mission) pay to participate, including air fare, hotel, meals, transportation, and a stipend towards supplies. After corporate donations, each volunteer still must raise between $1,500 and $2,000.
How do caring volunteers, many retired and/or not wealthy, manage the expense? Many rely on sponsorship by family and friends, which allows these sponsors to become missionaries at home. Here are a few ways in which volunteers raise funds:
- Written requests: Personalized letters by U.S. Mail and/or email to family, friends, and colleagues are often the most effective approach for many volunteers.
- Social media: Posts to request support on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
- Crowd sourcing: Sites such as GoFundMe and YouCaring allow posting of fundraiser requests. The site keeps a percentage as a fee.
- Fundraisers: Bake sale, wine & cheese party, dance, raffles, silent auction, etc. Individuals or groups can run events.
- Matching funds: Many donors work for companies that match employee donations.
During a recent Hopeful Ways mission trip, Norah Lincoff, MD, examines a Nicaraguan patient with Marvin Baena of Nicaragua Juigalpa Lions Club assisting as translator.
Successful fundraising includes a show of appreciation to sponsors/donors. A follow-up note that describes experiences and the accomplishments builds a base of supporters for future missions.
OWL announces new board members
OWL: Advancing Diversity in Leadership (OWL), announced the following new members for its board of directors:
- Michael Ackerman, PhD, vice president, Neurostimulation at Allergan.
- Taryn Conway, director of marketing, Dry Eye Franchise Eye Care Marketing, Allergan.
- Candace Simerson, COE, CMPE, president of Minnesota Eye Consultants, P.A.
- John Vukich, MD, clinical adjunct assistant professor of ophthalmology and visual science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine.
OWL, a national, not-for-profit organization, seeks to provide professional and personal development to help individuals and organizations. OWL is comprised of individuals from all facets of eye care. For more information, visit www.owlsite.org .
AcrySof IQ ReSTOR receives FDA approval
Alcon received approval from the FDA for its AcrySof IQ ReSTOR +3.0D Multifocal Toric IOL. The IOL is designed to address presbyopia and pre-existing corneal astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery in adult patients. Alcon plans to commercialize the lens in the United States on a rolling basis starting Q1 2017, the company says.
Topcon introduces sliding table top
Topcon Medical Systems’ new sliding table top addition for the IDS-300 Refraction Desk and EXAM-5000 Refraction Systems allows the use of two instruments on the desk. Patients remain in the same seat during slit lamp exam, auto refractometry, and binocular refraction to save time and enhance patient comfort, the company says.
ion VISion releases i3D lenses
ion VISion’s i3D Elite Diagnostic Lens Series are aspheric medical lenses. These diagnostic lenses are digitally created and high resolution, the company says.