Viewpoint from the Co-Editor
Ophthalmic Professional Celebrates 1st Birthday
We’re one year in and have big plans for the future.
Bruce Maller, Co-Editor
It’s our birthday. With the September/October issue of Ophthalmic Professional, we begin our second year of publishing. Hooray! We officially have an age—we’re one year old. It’s time to get cake all over our face.
While the satisfaction of hitting this milestone is personally and professionally meaningful to myself and my co-editor, Jane Shuman, the truth is many people deserve to celebrate. Starting a new publication from scratch requires a great deal of leadership, teamwork, creativity, desire and just plain roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-dirty effort. Many did just that—including you, our regular readers. Our success is directly related to ongoing support from readers, advertisers and the entire eye-care industry. From the bottom of my heart—and from everyone on the Ophthalmic Professional staff—thank you.
Equally impressive has been the quality of writing from our ever-growing roster of contributors. I hope you find the topics we cover to be valuable, meaningful, and useful. I know our editorial team is dedicated to producing insightful content. Our bottom line remains the same: We will be successful only by providing our readers with the information they require to succeed.
We can best pinpoint that information with feedback from our readers. Hearing from you starts our publishing “circle of life”—you tell us what you want, we produce that information in a meaningful way and we all succeed. Please, give us a call or send an e-mail. Let us know what you want and how we can improve.
Finally, we will formally announce the winners of our cover contest in October. We appreciate the response to the contest and enthusiasm from so many of our readers.
As we celebrate our birthday, it is only appropriate that this issue’s feature story focuses on leadership and teamwork, two of the building blocks of any successful endeavor.
In the meantime, I’ll have another piece of cake, please! OP
Mr. Maller is the founder and president of BSM Consulting, which provides business management solutions to hospitals, ambulatory care facilities, medical trade associations, physicians, health care personnel, pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers across the globe.